Erosion Control Coordinator

Man checking area around a river

Erosion Control Coordinator

As the Erosion Control Coordinator or “a Worksite Erosion Control Supervisor (WECS),” you’ll play an important role in the success of our grading operations. Working closely alongside your fellow team members on a variety of production tasks, your day-to-day work will include installation and maintenance of erosion control measures and documenting weather events.

  • Installation and maintenance of BMP’s
  • Documentation of project conditions
  • Other tasks as needed

Path to Success

See How You Could Grow

Erosion Control Coordinator is an entry-level management position similar to a Foreman. Achieving this position is a significant accomplishment and milestone in an individual’s career. In most cases it requires development of new skills related to communication, planning, and leadership. Once the Erosion Control Coordinator position has been achieved, an individual can advance through the ranks of higher level management including Foreman, Superintendent, General Superintendent, and General Manager.