Cartersville, GA

Old Alabama Road Reconstruction

Concrete Paving & Construction, Grading & Utilities
2 Years
Georgia Department of Transportation

Project Details

This project consists of just about 6 miles of widening and reconstruction of Old Alabama Road in Cartersville, Georgia. The purpose of this project is to construct a four-lane divided highway to provide a better East/West route to Interstate 75 without having to traverse downtown Cartersville, Georgia. The project includes the construction of three bridges and several walls as well as moving over 1.5 million cubic yards of dirt. In one area of the project we are cutting the earth down by almost 100 feet to be able to re-align and smooth out the path of the road. Also included is the installation of over 20,000 linear feet of reinforced concrete pipe for storm drainage, as well as the installation of over 274,000 square yards of concrete paving.

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